This is how manufacturers of building products provide the best possible service to their customers
You are a manufacturer of building products and want to be in direct contact with potential customers, architects and planners and answer their questions and concerns in an uncomplicated, clear and straightforward manner? Good service increases your chances of winning orders. Plan.One helps you to convince with the best service. With the new contact form, users can send their enquiries about prices, call-backs, samples and much more directly to you – uncomplicated and without any intermediate channels.
Users are thus given the opportunity to contact you as a manufacturer directly via the contact form. This makes the user visible to you and gives you concrete order opportunities. For the user, the contact form offers support throughout the entire course of the project, as specialist advice, a sample or the concrete price of a product can be requested directly and without detours. This eliminates the need to search for the right contact person and saves valuable time.
How it works
The new contact form is located on all product pages as well as on your manufacturer’s detail page. This means it is always in sight for your potential customers. The management of enquiries works intuitively via the Plan.One dashboard – you keep track of which enquiries have already been processed and which are still open. So that you don’t miss any enquiries, you are notified directly by email as soon as a new enquiry has been received.
Your advantages
1. Concrete enquiries from potential customers
2. Increased order chances
3. Direct contact with your target groups in all planning phases
4. Full cost control through accurate billing
5. No distribution effort due to direct forwarding
6. Real-time control of enquiry processing via the Plan.One dashboard
You need this tool to offer your potential customers the best possible personalised service. Contact us for further questions about the Plan.One contact form. We will be happy to advise you. Write to us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Celine Brand
Content marketing manager and social media expert for the construction industry.